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Art for Everyone

Hello there! I'm glad you're here. Explore KSL art's growing collection of fun and colorful oil and acrylic paintings, illustrations, thoughtful quotes, and hand-drawn patterns available in a variety of products.


Original Paintings

"Earth" is an abstract landscape acrylic painting that is grounding and warm. It combines the beauty and strength of earth colors. Mimicking the golden sun, the interplay between light and dark shows the layers of time past, present, and future.  

Colorful Illustrations

This beautiful digital illustration of the Three Wise Monkeys captures their iconic message of 'See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil'. Illustrations are available as art prints and also on other products like pillows, t-shirts, and more.

Beautiful Patterns

This striking yellow buttercup artwork brings cheer and vibrance. This captures the beauty of this wildflower repeated in a seamless pattern.


©2024 by KSL art

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